Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A Person of Influence.

2 Kings 5:1-15

There are so many times when I've felt useless or not seeing the effect I have in my ministry, even though Ive had the opportunity to work with so many people who are high up and of influence somehow. People whom I and many other would look up too. Role-models, if you will. But today as I read this passage, God told me, "THIS IS YOU. You are the person of influence behind the person of influence. You help and support the  people who need it and serve with all your heart. You've been blessed to learn from them whilst blessing them. You have been made a servant and that will blossom into even greater things. It will prepare you to lead"
I wouldn't take back a single one of my experiences for the world.

"If you Google "person of influence," the search will take you to various lists of "the most influential people in the world." These lists usually include political leaders; business entrepreneurs and athletes; along with people in science, the arts, and entertainment. You will not find the names of cooks and cleaners who work for them. Yet those in so-called lowly positions often influence the people they serve." - David C. McCasland

Never forget the power of your testimony, or the words that come out of your mouth.
Some more food for thought...

"No man's greatness, or honour, can place him out of the reach of the sorest calamities of human life: there is many a sickly, crazy body under rich and gay clothing. Every man has some but or other, something that blemishes and diminishes him, some allay to his grandeur, some damp to his joy. [This little maid, though only a girl, could give an account of the famous prophet the Israelites had among them.] Children should be early told of the wondrous works of God, that, wherever they go, they may talk of them. As became a good servant, she desired the health and welfare of her master, though she was a captive, a servant by force; much more should servants by choice, seek their masters' good."-2 Kings Bible Gateway Commentary

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