Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A Person of Influence.

2 Kings 5:1-15

There are so many times when I've felt useless or not seeing the effect I have in my ministry, even though Ive had the opportunity to work with so many people who are high up and of influence somehow. People whom I and many other would look up too. Role-models, if you will. But today as I read this passage, God told me, "THIS IS YOU. You are the person of influence behind the person of influence. You help and support the  people who need it and serve with all your heart. You've been blessed to learn from them whilst blessing them. You have been made a servant and that will blossom into even greater things. It will prepare you to lead"
I wouldn't take back a single one of my experiences for the world.

"If you Google "person of influence," the search will take you to various lists of "the most influential people in the world." These lists usually include political leaders; business entrepreneurs and athletes; along with people in science, the arts, and entertainment. You will not find the names of cooks and cleaners who work for them. Yet those in so-called lowly positions often influence the people they serve." - David C. McCasland

Never forget the power of your testimony, or the words that come out of your mouth.
Some more food for thought...

"No man's greatness, or honour, can place him out of the reach of the sorest calamities of human life: there is many a sickly, crazy body under rich and gay clothing. Every man has some but or other, something that blemishes and diminishes him, some allay to his grandeur, some damp to his joy. [This little maid, though only a girl, could give an account of the famous prophet the Israelites had among them.] Children should be early told of the wondrous works of God, that, wherever they go, they may talk of them. As became a good servant, she desired the health and welfare of her master, though she was a captive, a servant by force; much more should servants by choice, seek their masters' good."-2 Kings Bible Gateway Commentary

Monday, March 25, 2013

Wales DTS Gathering

"There should be nothing separate about "Christian life" and "Normal everyday life." The Holy Spirit is constantly ministering to us, teaching, and helping us. Wherever we go, He is there and is forever with us! The Gospel is not just simply, Jesus came, died, rose again, etc. It is more than that - it is Jesus meeting people where they are at. Jesus met people according to their needs -- as a healer, saviour, friend, forgiver, etc. That is the GOOD NEWS."

Our week in Wrexham was completely incredible -- God came and shook up the city and the people at the gathering! It was a time of completely relying on God, refreshing and being stretched. We got filled up with a lot of God's love :)

Each day, we began with a morning teaching on practical evangelism. Then every afternoon, we had some ministry time where we would have intercession or practice hearing God's voice. One afternoon we practiced being "Good listeners" and had one person speaking, while the other person slowly became "uninterested"by their body language, and we asked the person speaking how they felt. It was hard to do, I felt quite rude, but it was good practice! Another time we had a few people around the room blindfolded, and someone else would put their hand on the blindfolded person's shoulder. Then the blindfolded person would ask God for a word or a picture or something to encourage or speak about the other person that only they would know. It was incredible how clearly we could hear God's voice and it helped us to really focus and learn how to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit when he speaks when we are out praying for people or speaking to them.

In the afternoons, we would have a time of outreach for a few hours in the city. I did a prayer walk the first day for a large park in the city. As my friend Lisa and I were praying, we felt that the park was a safe place, inspirational, and full of BEAUTY. The view was astounding! (See the photos below.) It was so peaceful and gorgeous, I didn't want to leave.
Another day, I did an outreach called "Wrexham is Beautiful" where we took photos of the city for the website (wrexhamisbeautiful.wordpress.com). We talked to people about their beautiful city and told them they were loved and appreciated. Many people had some great conversations about the Lord, but it was a bit difficult because it was really pouring down rain that day! Welcome to the UK in springtime, I guess!
The next day it SNOWED about 6 inches! First day of spring! We ended up doing a completely different type of outreach: handing out free hot chocolate to the people on the streets, making snow art in the town square, and having a snowball fight with the local youth kids. Then, in all the snow and cold that night, we had a worship session in the middle of town!
I also did an outreach where a little church asked us to take a survey of the local community. I got to speak to a woman about what she thought of her spirituality, the people in her community, and how the church could be of better help. She told me that she'd want to ask God to get rid of all the bad things in the world and that she had no religious beliefs, but she used to talk to a Jehovah's Witness and read their Watch Tower book, but didn't really like it. After our conversation, I felt really strongly that she should have a bible and asked God to give me a word for her. The pastor said he would follow up later in the week with a bible, and I wrote her a note with the words God had spoken to me about this lovely lady. I knew she was searching and had many questions she wanted answered, yet she didn't even know it. Please be praying for this sweet woman, that God reveals these truth's to her and that the pastor will be able to make a connection.

Overall, the whole YWAM DTS Wales Gathering was incredible! I learned so much about my faith, the Holy Spirit, evangelism, and made some great relationships during the week. I also got a carpet burn on my forehead (Don't ask) and gave one of the YWAM Staff a bloody nose...Oops :) I also got to see a girl I met when I staffed Mission Adventures in Tijuana in 2011 and when I went to my friend's wedding in Canada! What are the chances! It was a great reunion.

Even before I came to Wales, God really gave me a passion and a heart for what He wants to do in this place. I want to ask that you would pray along with me about the possibility of my becoming full-time staff there after my DTS is finished. I love their vision and what they are doing, as well as the country. We will see where God takes me in three month's time....

For now, I am on my last week of lectures! Then I am off to Newcastle and then Albania! Please be praying for my financial need of about £1200. If you want to be a part of what I am doing on this side of the world through your support, please contact me and I will give you more details. Thank you for all the encouragement and the prayers you have been giving me this far! May you be blessed this coming Easter! He is ALIVE!

Be Blessed.
With love, Rachel

Free Hot chocolate sign I held up and ran around town asking people if they wanted chocolate!

Our late night worship session in the snow

Snow people :) Don't worry...the police in back were having a good laugh!

"A light on a hill cannot be hidden"

We were out of coins, so they decided to throw me in instead.

Some of the awesome people we did outreach with! (The guy I'm standing next to named Dave is who I gave a bloody nose too!)

The gorgeous city of Wrexham! St. Mary's Cathedral

Friday, March 15, 2013

Wales, Newcastle, and Albania!

I am going to Wales the 16-23 of March (leaving Sunday!) for a big DTS Gathering :) We are going to have lectures and then go out each day and do outreach, basically applying what we learn. There will be a chance for me to do some Photography outreach, and I am SO EXCITED about that (Since I almost did a photography DTS last year). 
We had an intercession time yesterday, and God basically shared some of his heart with us for the people of Wales. He (and now our school) have so much passion and excitement! We are so.... excited, haha I wish there was another word but that's basically it! God wants to bring much hope and love to these people.

Our school is then coming back for our last week of lectures, and then we are splitting up into two groups. One group is going to Bristol to do an Easter kids-camp then heading off to Liverpool to work on the Next Wave (which is YWAM on a ship! www.ywamnextwave.org). The second group (my group!) will be going to Newcastle to work with the newly formed base there. I feel so blessed to be going to my favorite city in England!

After our time in the UK, we will be meeting back together again for a week then heading off to the eastern European country of Albania! We have been praying about what to do while we are there and God has spoken a bit about doing work with many children/youth and outreaches on the beach, as much of Albania is a coastline. I am excited to be experiencing a new country and culture and bringing the love of God to a much-needed country. 

This week we learned about Biblical World View and Perspective. It was so interesting, and God was really saying to us "don't be stubborn in the way that you view things, or your opinions of how life is. I want to shake your world up!" It is a good reminder as we are preparing to go out into our outreach, to "put ourselves in the other person's shoes" so to speak.

In order for me to go and do all these things I've just spoken of, I still need to raise £1200 (about $1800) to pay for my outreach. So far I am receiving between $200-300 a month, and what a blessing that has been! God completely provided the last of my lecture phase in January, and I know that He is going to do the same for this. If you would like to be a part of bringing the gospel to an Atheist/Muslim country and showing love to the people of the UK, you can do it! This would meet a huge financial need of monthly/one time support and would bless me and the people of Europe in a huge way! If you feel this is you, please email me or donate on my PayPal button on the right! ===>> :) 

You are all in my prayers, thank you for the support and encouragement that you all have shown me. I love feedback and emails or Facebook messages, so please feel free to do so :) 

Love and many blessings from Harpenden!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

DTS: 19 February 2013

Wow, I am halfway through DTS already! I feel as though I just arrived last week. God has been teaching me so many things, and revealing so much truth.

So far we have had teachings on The Nature and Character of God, the Father Heart of God, Love, Sex and Relationships (God's way!), Freedom/My Original Design from the Lord, and we are currently in Holy Spirit week.
This past weekend we went on an outreach into East London (Bow) and worked with another English Mission organization called the Eden Project who works with local community services serving the youth. We served the church there called All Hallow's by passing out flyers to all of the flats in the region to promote the Alpha course (which for those of you who don't know, it is a course geared toward non-christians talking about life and presenting the gospel). That evening the church hosted dance classes for the community and we go to watch some incredible break dancers practice, whilst outside we had a van (from Pimp My Ride!) with an XBox on the outside and recording studio inside and invited the local kids to come. We also planted flowers the next day in paths near the church as a prophetic sign of hope and life God is going to bring to that city. It was beautiful! Bow is so spiritually heavy, but there are so many people on fire for the Lord at All Hallow's and Eden who are being awesome lights in the dark place.

I'm learning so many truth's about what it means to have a relationship with a God who loves me, and to live out the Christian life. Sometimes, my heart is saddened by the simplicity of the way we are to live and the clarity of "loving and logical limits" that God says in the scriptures. How beautiful it is! And how much pain and sadness I could have been spared if only these truth's were taught in the church! I just want to share them with all of my friends and family!

We've now reached week 6, and halfway through DTS. God has been so faithful in getting me here and providing, and speaking into my life through his word and through my DTS family. However, if I am to stay and continue, I need to pay about $500 more for my lecture phase (and then outreach, about $700 more). I am asking that if there is any way you can support me in the continuation of my school and this place God has called me to, I would be so grateful to call you my supporters! I am in need of monthly supporters (as I feel called into full-time missions) as well as one-time to pay the rest of my fees this week. God has been faithful in this journey so far and I believe that he is going to use you to enable me in spreading the gospel to parts of this world.
Please join me in prayer for the release of the rest of these finances. If you feel called to donate, you can click on the "Donate" Button on the side to my paypal, or email me: rachelvillaire @ live dot com.

Thank you! Your prayers and encouraging comments are so appreciated and welcomed. Thanks to all of those who have and are currently supporting me.
God bless you this week!

Love, Rachel

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Unbelief to Freedom.

-You are Beautiful. You are loved.
-I know, but I don't feel it sometimes, I just don't get it.
-You are loved
-I don't understand...I'm not!
-You are loved. Just believe it. You are simply loved.
This was the conversation I had with God last night whilst praying.

This week in DTS has been "Freedom week." We talked about original design (how God intended us to be created) and how strongholds in our lives can hinder us from living out our uniqueness in Christ. Last night the Harpenden staff (some DTS some not) prayed over us individually asking the Lord how HE sees us and what was one thing holding us back from that.

The Lord showed me/the staff that:
•I am LOVED. I cannot love others unless I am accepting that love of Christ, believing it, and living and doing everything out of pure, 1 Corinthians 13 -kind-of-love.
•I am a bringer of peace.
•I am full of joy, and sing songs to the Lord.
•I bring a refreshing and unique perspective to people, and they want to be around me.
•any many more beautiful pictures, and words!

As the staff prayed for my strongholds, the word God gave was "Unbelief." Because of my past, and my insecurities, I have a hard time accepting words of affirmation. This was made very clear to me within the first five minutes from the conversation I had with God. He just wants me to simply embrace the fact that I am loved, accept the affirmation given by people, and walk out in that same love!
I prayed with the staff and the freedom I felt was so clear and so beautiful and light! I am thankful for this time I had and for the Lord using so many awesome people to speak into my life so far during this school.

This weekend we are going on a short local outreach to the East End of London (Bow). We will be partnering with a church and another missionary organization (The Eden project) and sleeping in the church, serving them. I will bring my guitar and we will have lots of amazing fellowship - British style :) I hope that I am able to apply some of what I've learned this week and what God has been teaching me to the people of London.

What a blessing it is to walk in freedom of the Love of Christ :)
With love,

1 Corinthians 13(NIV)

13 If I speak in the tongues[a] of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast,[b] but do not have love, I gain nothing.Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10 but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. 11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. 12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

DTS Week 2. Jan 21

With a lot of Pitch Perfect, loads of snow, intercession, journaling, tea and biscuits, DTS is underway!

Its been two weeks since I left for this beautiful country of ENGLAND. Between the orientation, meeting my roommates, hearing God's voice on the first day of school, two trips out of Harpenden, and more cups of tea than I can count on my fingers and toes, I have enjoyed every second of what has happened so far.

Week 1 was mainly getting over jetlag, getting to know the staff and my DTS family, as well as the YWAM organization and the Harpenden base. It was neat hearing about the plans and goals that this base has, as its so different to Ensenada and so many new faces. Interestingly enough, I think that most of the staff here are American, which is strange. In my mind I haven't quite associated this place with England yet because I was never here when I came last summer.

Each week we have a speaker coming in on a different topic, so this past week we dedicated each day to an overview of each topic, given by our wonderful staff! A few of the topics are: the Nature and Character of God, the Father Heart of God, and many more!

The first weekend we went into a town a train stop away called St. Albans. It was so beautiful. We went to a cathedral, had some English food called a "Cornish Pasty" and shopped at the giant market! It was freezing cold but loads of fun. This weekend I went to Manchester on a 5 hour bus and visited Jacob for his birthday! We threw him a Mexican-themed surprise party with his classmates.

Every Monday on the "Oval" (Since our base is shaped in a giant oval - see photo below), we fast lunch and pray together as a base. This monday, to bring in the new year, we all got together for a whole day of praying and worshiping as a community about this coming year. Then we all had a lovely dinner of curry & rice together in the chapel. Today we had the first teaching of the Nature & Character of God. Each week I will post some highlights from these teachings and things that God is teaching me, and more photos from the week.
Here is a video we watched in class today. It really makes you think about being a christian in this world today.

I am 3 weeks into this amazing school that has already begun to change my life and challenge my relationship with Jesus in so many great ways!
God really confirmed to me through many things that I was meant to be here (read my previous blog!), and I have paid almost all of my lecture phase. However, I am still in need of the remainder of my school fees ($1500) plus my monthly living expenses. I know that God is going to provide, but I need your help.
Please join me in prayer for the provision of my finances! Would you like to be a part of all the work God is doing here? It is possible! I am still in need of one-time and monthly supporters. If you feel led to help me in this area, please contact me!

Email/iMessage: rachelvillaire@live.com
UK Mobile: 07544936132

Thank you for all my faithful followers and supporters already :) This would not be possible without you. Till next time! Cheers!

With love, Rachel

// To view more photos, go to https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151193285036513.449679.541296512&type=1&l=e450c7f4ca

St. Albans Cathedral

St Albans Cathedral

My friend Kendra (from Modesto) and I  in St. Albans!

Friday, January 11, 2013

DTS: week 1.

An oval of houses up on a hill, English, Canadians, Albanian, Americans, Egyptian, Salvadorians, and Number 8 and 9.

Basically, this is what our DTS in Harpenden, England January 2013 consists of! It has been an incredible first week, watching God move already by getting all of us students here providing flights and visas. we still have three students who aren't here yet, but they've got their visas and flights and will be arriving soon!

Each morning we had orientation. Learning about YWAM and its values, goals, etc., meeting different people around the base, learning about the flat (or house, we live in Number 9.) and community living, hearing about how we all and why we all came to do DTS here and just enjoying each others company. Tomorrow we are taking a trip into town for the first time to visit around.

This first week of school was quite an adjustment for me. It is the first time going to a base where I am not staff, or in charge of something (or someone, haha! nannying...) but rather being a student, and just enjoying this time and as much work as it will be, it is a break for me. A time set aside for me to completely and 100% bask in the glory of God and his love.

God has provided such an amazing amount of my finances. I have paid $2000, but still am in need of raising $3000 more, and I need $800 in 6 weeks. Please be praying that the Lord provides this (which I know He will) and possibly considering helping me in spreading the word on this side of the world!

With love, Rae

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

DTS: Harpenden, England . Jan 8, 2012

This month has been quite the adventure and I have been so encouraged in seeing God work!
My Christmas was spent with my family in Idaho on my Moms side. It was a bit difficult being with all of them without my mom or sister, or even dad, especially during the holidays. However it was so great to see them all and God really provided during my time of fundraising there. While I was there, I was able to raise the remaining of the $2280 that I need for my first day of school! It was my first Christmas without  my grandpa, who passed away last spring, and so it was a blessing for both my grandma and I to be able to spend this time together as I was separated from my family and she was without her husband.

I then made my way back down to Ensenada, Mexico for the new year. My boyfriend came home for the holidays, so I got to spend New years with him in our "home town". It was such a sweet reunion after 4 months of being oceans apart. :) I took a huge leap of faith in going down there, as my passport and visa for my school in the UK hadn't returned yet. There was not a single problem entering or leaving Mexico! On Friday I received an email saying that my visa had been issued! About a week earlier than expected.

Today (Monday Jan 7) Jacob and I both fly back to England on different flights. However I couldn't leave until I had my visa and passport back. This morning at 10am (California time) I got a text Saying that my passport and visa had been delivered! My flight left at 10am, but soon as we picked up my passport we flew over to the airport and I checked in for the 11:30am flight to Philadelphia. Everyone kept Saying "it doesn't look good" or "it's completely full, you probably won't get on" but I waited just the same. Of course, I got on the flight! I flew to Philadelphia and waited for standby to board onto the London flight an hour later. Everyone had boarded and the lady said "sorry it's completely full." I said "REALLY? That's not supposed to happen." God had flawlessly brought me this far and I absolutely knew that I was supposed to be on that flight. She checked again and said "no wait, there is one person who didn't show up." I knew without a doubt that was my seat!

So, here I am on this flight to London, every single second of this whole journey thus far (and will continue to be) a complete miracle from the Lord and proving time an  time again that He is my provider! That is one huge lesson he has taught me in preparation for this DTS. I am SO blessed to be the daughter  of the God of the universe.

I thank you all for the unending prayers and support in getting here. I am so thankful to have amazing g people in my life. Please don't stop, because  I know just getting here is the easy part.

The best is yet to come.

There is no way that I'm going to sleep on this flight. Waaaaaay too excited :)