Our time is a bit more than halfway through in Romania. It reminds me of a European version of Mexico! These Swiss students here are the most incredible students I have ever experienced with Mission Adventures. We've been working with gypsy villages, doing VBS, and today we will paint a school.
This country has so much heaviness over it, yet it is so beautiful. I am so lucky to be serving here. God is speaking to the kids every day and showing them new things, as well as myself. I've really been stretched and I have grown so much on this trip -- and it's not finished yet!
Last night we took a train to see Dracula's castle. We planned to take the train back and were stuck at the train station for over 3 hours. However, no body complained and it was a blessing in disguise because the kids got to really unite, and I was able to speak and pray for some of the kids, and watch them pray for each other. It was incredible.
God's really teaching our team and the Swiss team what He meant when He said, "Be FLEXIBLE."
God has a sense of Humor.
I can't wait to tell all about the rest of the trip.
With Love from Medias,